Dear Sir / Mam, how are you? Thanks for watching my gig.This gig with unlimited corrections! If you are looking for photo editing services such as Removing photo backgrounds, shadows, processing images for your web store. This gig for you sometimes we have to take some deep and smooth work. So, if you choose my gig you will have. For jewelry images, cycle, plant, or net images, please message me before ordering. Clipping Path: (Clipping path and edges will be very smooth for selecting your product) Background removal services. Natural shadows: The natural shadows that show up in my gigs (if he still doesn't serve my shadows, please check out my other gig) Retouch: Images retouch look better (sometimes some small spots or some dust can make your product ugly so, if they can be removed your product looks amazing!! Image resizing: (Cameras that are too large to fit your website) Your images will be safe, never used in any promotion. All writing is for the gift you are buying I will be responsible for editing your photos to give you a better look when you work with me. Thank you for your precious time. Order now confidently!
by: FastSeo78
Created: --
Category: Graphics & Logos
Viewed: 2
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